US Lavender Growers Assoc.

By |2012-11-27T18:07:13-08:00November 27th, 2012|

During the Ontario Lavender Conference I had an opportunity to meet up with some old friends and meet lots of people in the business of Lavender. It was a great event! Among the people I spent some time with was [...]

Thanksgiving Day Breakfast Idea

By |2012-11-21T07:06:08-08:00November 21st, 2012|

Here's an idea for breakfast on Thanksgiving (or any day) - Banana Blueberry Muffins with Lavender. Found it on The recipe was contributed by Suzanne Hale and she says "These muffins are some of the best I've ever [...]

Moose Dreams and Victor’s Lavender

By |2012-10-26T23:23:57-07:00October 26th, 2012|

    Our new line of lavender products is now available. We are very excited about these products and for good reason. Many of you may be familiar with and even use Moose Dreams Lavender Products. Beth Norris and Barbara [...]

Ontario Lavender Conference

By |2012-10-15T02:16:40-07:00October 15th, 2012|

  Dr. Tim Upson The Business of Lavender       Kathy Gehrt The Ontario Lavender Association is presenting ‘The Business of Lavender’ a conference to be held November 14 & 15 in Woodstock, Ontario. This event will [...]

Lavender for your pets

By |2012-10-07T04:28:42-07:00October 7th, 2012|

Penelope Loves It! Lavender is a great natural flea repellent. Spray your pet's bed or directly on their fur to deter fleas and other insects. Our new product line will include this and other pet care products. Be [...]

Cleopatra’s Beauty Secret – Goat’s Milk!

By |2012-09-13T02:14:51-07:00September 13th, 2012|

History has it that Cleopatra used goat's milk to maintain her beautiful skin. Just might be something to that. Though most of us don't have the luxury of a daily dip in a goat milk bath we can use the next [...]

Dr Tim Upson visits Victor’s Farm

By |2012-09-06T19:57:09-07:00September 6th, 2012|

Victor Gonzalez & Dr. Tim Upson We were pleased to welcome Dr. Tim Upson to our farm during his stay in Sequim. Dr. Upson is the Garden Curator and Deputy Director of the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens and [...]

Spanish Lavender (Lavendula Stoechas)

By |2012-08-21T03:03:20-07:00August 21st, 2012|

Spanish Lavender - Alba  Don't miss this opportunity to reserve these unique varieties as quantities are limited. We are taking orders now for Spring shipment.    Spanish Lavender - Alba This is a great white flowering variety from the Spanish [...]

Lavender – Gros Blue

By |2012-04-12T05:46:28-07:00April 12th, 2012|

New lavender cultivar from France   This new cultivar is becoming very popular throughout the Pacific Northwest. This elegant plant produces a longer flower head making it an excellent choice for fresh or dried bouquets. It holds it's dark, almost navy blue color when dry. [...]

Lavandula Angustifolia – Folgate

By |2012-03-13T02:50:13-07:00March 13th, 2012|

A tiny bush that packs a big wallop. This variety of English lavender is one of the best oil producers and is considered the best for producing high-yield crops for culinary uses, etc. Folgate is a tiny bush [...]