These Lavendula Intermedia varieties have yields 10 times greater than other varieties.
Lavandula Intermedia is commonly known as lavandin. Lavandin is the name for a variety of lavender that comes from a cross of English and spike lavender. Many of these varieties are highly recommended for producing commercial oil and dried bundles. It is also a very popular garden plant because the oil is of lesser quality that (Angustifolias) due to the presence of high camphor, a white transparent waxy crystalline solid with a pungent odor. The yields from these Lavendula Intermedia varieties are up to 10 times more than other varieties. In addition, lavandins are very hardy with a flowering period from early July to late August. To purchase lavender plants, shop our online store, or visit our Wholesale Info for wholesale orders.
Cathy Blanc
This relatively new variety of lavender is similar to White Spike Lavandin, but actual plants are more compact and the flower petals are a brighter shade of white. The plant normally grows three to four feet tall.
Dutch Mill
his variety features long stems and medium blue flowers. It has a strong fragrance and is good for oil production. Its late summer blooms have a strong fragrance. Dutch Mill is wonderful in fresh bouquets because the large, free-forming flower heads really enhance flower arrangements.
Fred Boutin
This lightly-compact bush plant has an overall silver-grey look. Fred Boutin is a late blooming plant and contains the most attractive winter foliage of all lavandins. With its long stems, medium purple flowers and excellent smell, it is excellent for landscaping borders.
Gros Blue
This new cultivar from France is becoming popular throughout the Pacific Northwest. The Lavendula Intermedia plants contain longer flower heads making it excellent for fresh or dried bouquets. Gros Blue has a darker color – almost navy blue – than the popular Grosso variety of lavender.
Grosso is a commercial, all-purpose plant that is very hardy. Its long stems are excellent for dried bouquets and potpourris. Because Grosso is such a high-yielding plant, it has become the most widely used lavender variety for oil production in the world.
Hidcote Giant
This is a distinctive lavandin because of its growing habits and the dense unusually shaped spikes, which are excellent for dried bundles, potpourris and more. This slow-growing variety is very fragrant and features flower heads that are a rich deep lavender-purple in color. Plants are normally between 18″ to 24″ inches tall.

Hidcote Pink
This semi-dwarf Lavendula Intermedia variety contains greyer foliage and compact flower heads. This variety has slightly deeper pink flowers than “Jean Davis.” Hidcote Pink has a spicy fragrance and grows to be between 20 and 24 inches tall.
This variety is also known as French lavender and is one of the largest lavandins. Provence features very long, dense and full spikes that are wonderful for fresh bouquets, lavender wands, potpourri and culinary purposes. The aroma is milder and sweeter than other lavenders.
This is one of the largest varieties of lavender. In fact, the plant may grow to almost three feet wide. It is reputed for having a very good scent and is one of the best for making potpourri and fresh bouquets. This variety features fan-like growth of stems. Flowers are a rich mauve and can last up to four months. Seal features an early flowering season.

This is one of the most elegant lavandins. It is dark green with bright green margins, thick lateral branching all the way up and long or mid to lower and long overall look. The variety features a light and flowery aroma. Super has the best perfume of all lavandins and is mainly used for soap fragrances and aromatherapy because it produces a lot of oil.
White Spike
This variety features white, highly fragrant blossoms that are excellent in both fresh and dried arrangements. Plants bloom in mid summer and provide great contrast in landscaped areas. This variety is also excellent for culinary products.