Lavender Alert!
Well here it is - we've got some good news and we've got some bad news. First for the good news - We still have plenty of the best and most reliable lavender varieties available for spring planting. We [...]
Well here it is - we've got some good news and we've got some bad news. First for the good news - We still have plenty of the best and most reliable lavender varieties available for spring planting. We [...]
Mark your calendars! You won't want to miss the 26th Annual Northwest Women's Show. Come visit me and Barb Landbeck (many of you may know her from Moose Dreams Lavender) at our booth! We will be participating for the [...]
Save 10% on orders of $1,000. when you place your order by December 31, 2013! Just want to remind everyone before we all get too busy with the holidays about our special offer on preseason orders. We are [...]
Yeah, we know it's early but that's what stores do these days - the Christmas stuff is there right along side the Halloween stuff. Ok, so now we've got you thinking Christmas - think about our new Christmas Gift Box [...]
Victor with The Lavender Project Group My world travel continues - this time to Mexico. I am delighted when I have an opportunity to share my knowledge with people in other parts of the world who can truly [...]
We don't want to nag so we'll just call it a friendly reminder, but it's already time to start thinking about next year's lavender plants. We need to start our propagating soon in order to have plants that will be [...]
And we're excited! We know you will be too. Come visit our new store at 3743 Old Olympic Highway, Port Angeles, WA. We'll be here 10 am to 5pm Thursday - Sunday, now through September. This is your chance to see and sample all [...]
Our New Store We are so excited to announce the June 4th opening of our new store right here on our growing grounds in Sequim. We've been so busy shipping lavender plants that it has been a real challenge [...]
We are nearing the end of the season to propagate new lavender plants to be ready for you this spring. We will be busy cutting and planting until the end of March. These new little guys will be ready for the ground [...]
Kathy Gehrt visits Sequim I'm a little slow on this post but wanted to share with all of you what a great time I had with Kathy Gehrt a few weeks ago when she came to visit with me here in Sequim. [...]
We are growing these for you! We know this is a really busy time of year for most folks but we wanted to take a minute to remind you that there is still time to take advantage of our Pre-Season [...]
There's still time to do your Holiday shopping the easy way - from home. We have lavender gifts for all the special people on your list. We have awesome goatmilk cremes and soaps, body mists and facial moisturizers for the [...]