Lavender Available for Fall Planting
Just a short note to let you know that we still have some varieties available to ship for fall planting. If the weather is still cooperating in your area and you want to plant you can chose from 3 1/2" [...]
Just a short note to let you know that we still have some varieties available to ship for fall planting. If the weather is still cooperating in your area and you want to plant you can chose from 3 1/2" [...]
Well here it is - we've got some good news and we've got some bad news. First for the good news - We still have plenty of the best and most reliable lavender varieties available for spring planting. We [...]
A tiny bush that packs a big wallop. This variety of English lavender is one of the best oil producers and is considered the best for producing high-yield crops for culinary uses, etc. Folgate is a tiny bush [...]