Susan L. Harrington, CEO (Chief Education Officer)
Labyrinth Hill Lavender / Owner

Retiring after 20 years in business management, Susan Harrington reclaimed a backyard overrun with Scotch broom and blackberries to grow a successful small-scale lavender business that has broadened into an online educational resource. Via the Internet, she took Labyrinth Hill Lavender from the Kingston Farmers Market to the New York City Ballet and throughout the country. Her workshop, “Lavender: From Soil to Sachet,” has been presented at Washington and Oregon community colleges and nurseries and is now a popular online course with more than 950 students throughout the U.S., Canada, and 16 countries around the world. More than 4,000 readers around the world enjoy Susan’s informative monthly newsletter, Of Labyrinths, Lavender and Love. She is a founding member of the United States Lavender Growers Association and a popular speaker for area garden clubs.

Lavender is More Than a Color
From aromatherapy to culinary delights, from medicinal treatments to housekeeping tips, lavender is unrivaled for its versatility. Whether you have one plant or one hundred, this lively presentation will provide you with simple ideas and crafty inspiration for using lavender for your own home or gifts. You may even experience a live presentation of the “almost famous” Susan L. Harrington “Patent Pending, Bud De-Nuding Device” used to process dried lavender for its fragrant buds. (You probably already have one of these in your home.) After each presentation, we go into the field to harvest a few bundles and learn to quickly tell the difference between culinary and crafting lavender varieties.
All attendees take home a mini sachet and Susan’s popular brochure: Ten Wonderful Gifts Made With Lavender (without sewing, gluing, nailing or painting!) It also includes answers to the top ten questions asked about growing lavender.